Welcome To My Sports Blog

Hello everyone! My name is Jacob Spanyer, and I am a collegiate student-athlete in Louisville, Kentucky. I am somewhat struggling on figuring out how to word all of this, I've never really written about myself or my own work ever so I'm kind of just winging it here. 

The way that I got into writing is actually a pretty funny story. I am one of those people who went to college with basically no idea of what they wanted to study when they got there. I had gone through a couple of different majors and tested out a couple of classes that went towards specific majors and I was still completely lost. Then at the beginning of this school year, I was in a basic English class that I am pretty sure everyone is required to take, and I was assigned to write an essay on a cultural icon. I chose Spider-Man as my cultural icon, and I ended up having so much fun writing that essay. I had always thought of myself as a good writer, but I had never had the opportunity to pick what I was writing about, and truly see how much I enjoyed it, and that's also when I learned that there are very little things on this planet that feel better than getting into a flow while writing where the words just seemed to pour out of your brain and onto your paper/laptop. That whole event with the Spider-Man essay got me thinking. What if I combined one of my favorite things on this planet with my newfound love for writing? And that is where I made that decision and told my mother that I wanted to be a sportswriter. I have been reading sports articles all my life, so why not be the one to write them? 

So, with all of that being said, I made this blog so that I could finally experience what it's like to be a sportswriter. I have never actually written anything about sports because I have never really had the platform to do it. Now that I have that platform, I am excited to get started! I will mainly be writing about Baseball, Basketball, and Football because those are the sports that I currently play (baseball), and that I watch the most and have the most knowledge about. I also feel like it's important to mention that I am a diehard Louisville fan, so don't be surprised if I have a few things about my Cardinals on this blog. 

My goals for this blog are to build a community of people that have similar interests to those that I am writing about, and hopefully one day I can look back and say that this blog helped me become a better writer, and that it helped me achieve my goal of being a sportswriter. To all of you who are reading this: welcome, and I'm glad you are here for the ride. Let's get started! 

(Me playing baseball in High School)


  1. I'm not super into sports, but I think the concept of competitions that bring people together is pretty damn cool, so I'm excited to read more. I'd love to read about some sports history too. Anyway great intro. You're a good writer!

  2. I think its really cool how you have come across two things you love in life and are finding a way to fuse them together.

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of writing Spanny, it is quite awesome how you got into it! You've described it so perfectly though, being able to just flow in the creation of writing itself. Though I'm not huge on sports, your writer's voice alone makes me want to come back! Can't wait to see what this blog becomes in the future!


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