A Thank You to My Mom

 I'll admit, I am a big momma's boy. But I would say I have every reason in the world to be one. I literally have the greatest mom on the planet. She is my number one fan and my biggest supporter, and she is a very admirable person. This post is honestly kind of hard to write because I am struggling to find the words to describe just how much she means to me, but I will try my best. 

First off, she is the most resilient person that I know. After my dad passed away my freshmen year of high school, I learned a lot from her in those troubling times. She is the one that taught me that it is okay to grieve and have those sad feelings about the whole situation, but to not let it control your entire life. Like sure, I can be sad about it and have feelings about it, but I can't let those feelings drown me and not let me accomplish the things I want to accomplish. And after my dad passed, she made sure my brother and I had everything we needed to be successful in whatever endeavor we decided to go for. With me, that was baseball. Whether it was driving me to practice, or to lessons, paying for those lessons, etc., she was always with me every step of the way, and I know for a fact I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am today in the sport if it wasn't for her making sure I had everything I needed to follow my dream of playing college baseball. 

My mom is also my biggest fan. She came to every one of my games from wreck ball and all throughout high school. Now that I play games in different states, she doesn't come to every game anymore, but she comes to all of the home games and watched the livestreams of all of the away games. She has told me plenty of times this year and throughout the past that she loves watching me play because she loves watching all of my hard work pay off, but I wouldn't have been able to work so hard if she didn't provide me with the resources to do so. No matter how I perform on the field, good or bad, she lets me know that she is proud of me anyways, and I am really appreciative of that because sometimes after a bad game that is a good thing to hear to keep your mind in the right place. This is where this part gets kind of comical. She is so much of a fan of mine that she bends the rules of baseball to my benefit. For example, in my last game I went 1-5 at the plate, but in her mind, I went 4-5 because I put the ball in play four times. When I try to tell her that she is wrong and that only one of those counts as a hit, she simply replies with "well that is bullshit."

Another reason I am such a momma's boy is because I am definitely "her child." My mom is pretty much my best friend. We have a plethora of inside jokes with each other, and we can basically laugh at anything together. Whether it's our senses of humor or views on certain things, we have very similar personality's. 

All in all, I feel like I could've definitely worded all of this better and could've definitely gone on a lot longer, but I think I got my point across, and like I stated earlier it is hard to find the words necessary to truly show how much she means to me. My mom is the most important person in my world, and I would be nothing without her. Her resilience and courage, her sacrifices and support, our personal relationship with each other, all of that makes her the best mom in the world. I love her with all of my heart, and I thank God every day for giving me her as a mother. 


  1. Aww, this is so sweet. Your mom sounds amazing. I'm close with my mom as well and she literary my world

  2. We stan momma boys'!! And the love you have for her is super sweet, this post is so heartfelt <3

  3. If I sob, that's on you. This was beautiful. Thank you.


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