My Scary, Depressing Drive to the Field

 Earlier this week, after leaving my final class of the day, I drove up to my university's baseball field because we had a game that day. I was not expecting my drive up there to turn out the way that it did, and I really wish it didn't because it was just all around not a good time. 

Reason number one that the drive to the field was terrible, is because it was raining that day. It wasn't so bad at first, then I got on the expressway, and it was a whole different ballgame. I was blinded for most of my drive because of the pouring rain that was dropping on me, and because of the water that was splashing up at my windshield from the other cars on the expressway driving in front of me. If you think me not being able to see was the scariest part of the drive, then you are sadly mistaken. There were countless times when I felt my car start to slide on the road and when I felt like I was on the brink of losing control of my car and spinning out. As you could probably imagine, each time I felt my car start to slide I would get that feeling that shoots through your whole body whenever you're startled by something. That feeling is kind of hard to explain but I think most people know what feeling I am referring to. Luckily, I never lost control of my car and was able to make it to the field safely, even after that one final spot of piled up water that nearly got me near the exit of the expressway. 

Now this is where my story goes to the depressing side of things. While I was on the expressway, one of the things that I was able to see, was something that I wish I never saw. On the shoulder of the expressway, I saw the lifeless body of a dog that had been hit by a car. As someone who is a huge dog person, I was horrified by it. All I could think about was the poor family that was probably wondering where their lost dog was, and how they will more than likely never see him/her again, and how they might never know what happened to it. I couldn't imagine going through that type of situation with a dog of my own, but I can imagine that it is a worrisome, scary, and sad situation to be in. I mean I instantly teared up a bit seeing the dog and I had never seen the dog in my life, I couldn't imagine if it was my own. 

All of the emotions of sadness and nervousness in that one twenty-minute drive that I had, made it by far the worst experience I have had since being able to drive two and a half years ago, and I really hope that I don't have any more experiences like that for a really long time. 


  1. First off, I *absolutely* understand the feeling you're referring to. Hydroplaning/almost hydroplaning during one of those rainstorms where the windshield might as well be a wall of dripping gray paint is frankly one of the most terrifying experiences. Also, how did the dog even get onto the expressway?! Kinda angry at its owners, to be honest. Anyway, this was really relatable.

  2. I know the feeling you are talking about and I don't know how to explain it either but I know I absolutely hate it. And the dog...omg

  3. Hydroplaning is always a terrifying experience! No matter how many times you do it or almost do it, your heart still skips a beat and you have that brief moment of panic. Also, not the doggo! I see so many dead animals on the side of the expressway on the way to work and every time it's a dog, I wonder how it got there and if it had a family it left behind. As someone who always grew up with at least 3 Labradors in the house at a time, dogs hold a special place in my heart so seeing a dog on the side of the road like that always gets to me

  4. Driving in the rain is such a scary experience and just like others, I definitely know the feeling your talking about. It seemed like one sad thing led to another and I'm sorry that happened. Hopefully there will be no more days like that.


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